Star Fox Prototype, N64 HDMI Cables, Retro Kickstarters – Retro Gaming News Ep. 1


While many modern gaming websites tend to focus only on “current-gen” systems, there’s still a lot happening in the world of retro gaming. In the first episode of Retro Gaming News, join me as I look at some Kickstarter projects for NES/SNES, some new N64 HDMI output hardware, and a look at an early beta of a game that would end up becoming Star Fox for the SNES!

And if you wondering just who I am, I’m Shawn Long. I started doing videos for Nintendo Enthusiast’s YouTube channel last year, and myself and another team member helped build that channel from the ground up. You can find tons of great videos from us on there by clicking here, and future videos as well. This is just a new channel where I can talk about more than just Nintendo-related things. I’m also the Editor-in-Chief for Nintendo Enthusiast’s website, so be sure to check that out by clicking here. If you want to follow me on social media, “like” my fan page, or follow me on Twitter: @ShawnLong85. Or, do both!

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