WildStar 1st Impressions – MMORPG



WildStar is a fantasy/science fiction MMORPG game by Carbine Studios/NCSoft that a lot of people are excited about! TheBigJB dives into the game, gets to level 20 and tell us his thoughts and impressions.

Is WildStar the game most people are playing right now in the MMORPG space?

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About MetalJesusRocks

The Metal Jesus is a long-haired rocker dude who used to work in the video game industry back in the 90′s at Sierra On-Line (publisher of PC classics like Quest for Glory, King's Quest, Leisure Suit Larry and much more). Later he was the editor of a professional video game review web site, and dabbled in audio & video production. He loves music and video games with a passion!