Innocent Until Proven Guilty #3 – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Nintendo NES)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Thumbnail Reformatted Thumbnail Drop Shadow


When people think about the Angry Video Game Nerd, one game will most likely immediately come to mind: Bandai’s Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. This notorious title is widely considered to be one of the worst games of all time, and today in the Innocent Until Proven Guilty court, Matt will do what no one else has dared to: give it a fair trial/review. Will the final verdict condemn it to a hell of fire and brimstone, or will the accused be exonerated of its crimes? Find out on this controversial episode of Innocent Until Proven Guilty! Thanks for watching:)

BeneVolentDick NES’ channel:

TheWiiGuy’s 8-Bit Stereo: (check out Nikola’s channel for all of the 8-bit stereo tunes featured in this video and so many more).

Twitter @CygnusDestroyer

About Cygnus Destroyer - The LJN Defender

Producer of Cygnus Destroyer's Retro Reviews, The LJN Defender, and Innocent Until Proven Guilty on the CygnusDestroyer20XX YouTube channel. Has a reputation for liking crappy games, and he's unabashedly proud of this.