The Nintendo Wii U has been out for several weeks now and I’ve had an opportunity to play with it for awhile to form some opinions both good and bad. Here are my top 5 things I like and top 5 things I don’t like about the Wii U.
Top 5 Things I Like About The Wii U:
1) 1st Party Games: Nintendo has a very solid track record of making some great 1st party games, and the Wii U is no exception. New Super Mario Bros. U though not much different than previous “New Super Mario Bros” titles is a lot of fun nevertheless. The levels are cool, the two player is unique where one player can control the environment for the other and it’s actually a bit more challenging than previous titles in the series. I also really enjoy Nintendo Land with the unique gameplay for each mini game. It’s particularly a lot of fun to play with a group of people.
2) HD Graphics: Finally Nintendo has a system in high definition, and the sharper image is certainly noticeable. I can’t wait for games like Zelda to finally be put out in high definition. Even the image on the gamepad controller looks decent too, and it is great that it comes with an HDMI cable packed in with the console.
3) The Gamepad Controller: Nintendo has done it again and has released another peripheral that is unique and changes how gamers play games. The Gamepad has a lot of potential to really affect the gameplay of games for the Wii U, and feel great in the hands.
4) No More Friend Codes: All I can say is THANK GOD Nintendo did away with the friend codes! It’s so much easier now that Nintendo set up a profile name system to share with friends.
5) Miiverse & Online Functionality: Surprising the Miiverse works well. It’s a social media platform for gamers and a great way to share notes, opinions etc. The potential of a live video chat with a friend through their online system is very cool as well.
Top 5 Things I Don’t Like:
1) Storage Capacity: Only 8GB-32GB of storage isn’t enough for a “next gen console”. Gamers will eventually be forced to purchase additional external hard drives to support enough internal memory.
2) Graphics: Games like Zombie U look good, but don’t have the “wow factor” that I would expect from a next generation console. I have a feeling that when the Xbox 720 and Playstation 4 come out, that their graphics will be superior to what the Wii U has to currently offer.
3) The Gamepad Controller: As much as I like things about the gamepad controller, I don’t like the short battery life, and the fact that there is no internal hardware to take the gamepad controller mobile and away from the console.
4) 3rd Party Support: Outside of some exceptions including Zombie U, the Wii U doesn’t offer anything unique from 3rd Party companies yet that I can’t already purchase on either the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3.
5) Updates: Close to an hour long update out of the box is a bit ridiculous to me, but in fairness both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 suffer from continual updates as well. I guess it’s just the generation of gaming that we have evolved to.
What are some things that you like and dislike about the Wii U? Be sure to leave and share your comments below.
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