The 32 Bit Beast of the Sega Family of consoles….the Sega Saturn. Hands down of the best libraries for import games you will ever find anywhere. Tons of hidden gems and stuff you may not have ever heard of so I wanna go through the ones I have and get all geeked out with my fellow nerds and nerdettes over this Sega goodness.
About alphaomegasin
AlphaOmegaSin started gaming at the young age of 4 whenever his parents brough home his first game cosnole, the Nintendo Entertainment System. At which point he started playing Mario, Ninja Gaiden, Contra, Zelda, Castlevania, and many other tried and true classic series that he still enjoys today. Throughout the years he stayed invested in gaming especially once he started a Youtube channel centered around his biggest passion. AlphaOmegaSin started making videos in 2009 and has been going strong ever since tackling news stories about the industry and discussion pieces. Wanting nothing more than to be the most blunt and honest gamer that doesn't hold back anything whether it's good or bad, in addition he also invests much time into retro gaming as well as modern gaming since it's what got him started in gaming and still keeps his interest. AlphaOmegaSin also has a great interest in other things beyond the realms of gaming. He has been a long time listener and supporter of Heavy Metal music, going to live shows frequently in his hometown of Pittsburgh, PA. Anime which is something he got a big start with from watching Toonami on Cartoon Network in the 90's and still watches full series, OVA's, and movies today. The comic book industry has always been good to him, watching things like Batman the Animated Series, Spiderman and X-Men got him into reading comics and collecting them. Which he also makes videos about from time to time.