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Author Archives: jumblejunkie
Going through my iPhone the other day I saw I had a ton of pictures from all of my arcade restoration projects. This video showcases all of the arcade games I have restored in the past 4 years from start …
A Closer Look: Injustice Gods Among Us
Hey hey, Jumbles is back with another installment of “A Closer Look”. Today we take a look at the new NetherRealm Studios game, Injustice. This shows you the basics and how the game works. For additional posts by JumbleJunkie: Click …
Jumblejunkie: Arcade Collection Tour 2013
Its been a year since my last arcade collection tour, so its about time I did another! At this point I am pretty much out of room and I have acquired all the machines I have ever wanted. …
Dead or Alive 5 – A Closer Look
Dead or Alive 5, jumblejunkie’s 2nd installment of “A Closer Look”! This is a brief introduction to Dead or Alive 5 and how the game mechanics work. Leave comment below, “like” and share, and be apart of the …
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – A Closer Look
The first episode of “A Closer Look” from Jumblejunkie. This episode is a brief introduction to Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and how it works. Its not a complete overview, but enough so people that have not played it, …
Funspot 14 Tournament Arcade Game Line Up 2012
This is a rundown of the arcade games in this years International Classic Video Game Tournament 2012. ACAM always does an amazing job surprising everyone with some cool, unique games every year. This year they threw me for a loop …
Night Driver (1976) ARCADE REVIEW
Back with another arcade review from ACAM! This time we take a look at the 1976 Atari game, Night Driver! Your car is a sticker overlay and the road moves to give you the illusion that your car is moving! …
Cheeky Mouse (1980) ARCADE REVIEW
Tim AKA jumblejunkie is back with another arcade review from ACAM! This time we take a look at the 1980 Universal game, Cheeky Mouse. The object is to protect your precious cheese with a hammer! This game is very …
I got a lot of cool swag at PAX EAST this year. Let’s check out what I got! SWAG SWAG SWAG! Discuss this episode also on the Gamester81 forum! Click here:
jumblejunkie’s PAX EAST 2012 Recap
April 6-8, I went to PAX EAST 2012 in Boston. I played and saw a TON of things! This year I did not go crazy and film footage. I just snapped pictures with my iPhone and figured I would …
Welcome to the Fantasy Zone! Get Ready for another exciting Arcade Review from jumblejunkie! Today we will be checking out the 1985 Sega classic, Space Harrier! Discuss this episode also on the Gamester81 forum! Click here:
