Dude, You Haven’t Played This Game?! CASTLEVANIA Rondo of Blood Dracula X Retrospective Review

Partnering once again with Dr. Albert Light, Mike finally gets the clone thing right…but which one is the clone? Enjoy this year’s Halloween video where we sit down and crack open the coffin of Castlevania Rondo of Blood (Just in time for it’s 30th anniversary!) AND Castlevania Dracula X! Both of these games have been compared for decades but is Dracula X REALLY a port? Find out on this super deep dive on DYHPTG?!

Big thanks to Console Wars for the cameo! Go watch their channel (And their latest halloween video too!) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Cza8wE3HGa4tq3WuwmbKw

Also special thanks to Tim Leininger for helping with the Dr. Albert Light role once more! Tim runs a great channel devoted to theater/musicals! Check it out here @onemansopinion8135 : https://www.youtube.com/@onemansopinion8135

Mr. Matt Creamer (AKA Norrin Radd) is an amazing VGM composer, and I’m very lucky to have him as my intro music guy! Check out his stuff here: raddlandstudios.com | http://twitch.tv/raddland | http://youtube.com/@raddland

As always, thanks so much to Paul Hallaway for his intro effects!

Shout out and thanks to @danmakumanG (Twitter) for his Turbo Duo footage of Rondo/his console!

Additional tunage, “C-Funk” by Kevin Incompetch

“Divine Bloodlines” rearrangement off of the Dracula Tribute 1 album.

Want more CASTLEVANIA?! Check out my Castlevania/Bloodstained playlist! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLomWAEbCNi-_0t7xOXe4PkwklFyAe8xPT

Wanna support the show? Sharing the video helps the most on social media, BUT, if you wanna support even more, the Patreon is available with exclusive perks and content! Check it out for only $1 a month or more! www.patreon.com/dongled

And of course shout out to (and thanks!) goes to anyone supporting the show on Patreon but ESPECIALLY the Mourning Star Whip tier and up! They are: Brice, Derek Demiter, Venthros, Scott Mcelhone, Technicolor Dojo, Nintenjoe and Trevin Adams.

About miketendo

Check out more videos from Miketendo at http://www.youtube.com/dongled
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