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Summary - Dommercoolstuff
Registered: July 24, 2013, 23:36
Posts: 61
Position: Advanced
Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/Dommercoolstuff
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Biographical Info:

My name is Dommer , I've been a gamer for 30 years . Been collecting on and off for many years . Sadly i would normally have to sell my stuff . But in 2010 I rededicated myself to collecting . So me and my friends Chrisand Eric go out and hunt video games so to speak .

I also do occasional game reviews , but I still haven't found my footing for that as of yet . I started making videos in November of 2011 with no experience what so ever . And i hope to be improving every day .

When it come to what i play , I delve into retro and current video gaming . My favorite genres are hack n slash ( diablo style games ) and RPG's . but I also love the Halo franchise , and sometimes play madden games (i'm big into running your team/football in general )

Hope you like my videos , and i'm always down for positive and negative feedback . As long as its actually constructive in nature .

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