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Summary - DemonGamer
Name: José Osorio
Registered: October 21, 2012, 00:55
Posts: 2
Position: Newbie
Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/DemonGamer1996
Jabber/google Talk:
Biographical Info:

My Name is José and I don't judge a game before playing it. If the game has a horrible title, I see if I can download it and then I decide whether it's a good or bad game.

Another hobby besides recording games would be reviewing SMW Hacks. I tell them what they should fix and stuff like that.

Most importantly I'm a Salvadorean Gamer. Yep a hispanic gamer, there are many of them in this games like puertoricans, mexicans, and etc. But I am Salvadorean. Which is still a hispanic race.

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