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Summary - Jmeon4eva
Name: Sean
Registered: October 21, 2012, 00:31
Posts: 96
Position: Advanced
Jabber/google Talk:
Biographical Info:

My name's Jmeon4eva, short for Jameron4eva which i created out of my love for the Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles series. In real life my name is Sean, no more needed. I'm a big video gamer with extremely low budget due to taking care of parents. My first console was a Sega Genesis, i don't have it anymore sadly. Then i was given a PS1, and a good sized collection of games for it, was given by my cousin as a bday gift. Then i recieved an XBOX, and one of my first games Brute Force, which i traded in to recieve HALO:CE used, along with my new version of HALO2 in 2004. I had that xbox throught it's entire life, untill it started to overheat, not read the disc, not start up, in 2006, which i recieved an xbox 360. My original still worked from time to time until 2010 when i finally lost it, (2002-2010) I had my original 360 from 2006-current. I recently bought a PS2 and rebought a ps1, slim for both systems. Addendum: I've sence added an original model ps1 and the CE of Halo 4.

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