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Summary - pegasus187
Name: Nick Horacek
Registered: October 21, 2012, 00:00
Posts: 15
Position: Newbie
Jabber/google Talk:
Biographical Info:

I've been gaming since the mid 1990s with the NES mostly, it belonged to my older brother and I ended up getting it after he had moved out. Super Mario Bros 3 being the game that made me fall in love with the hobby. I ended up getting the Playstation 1 with Suikoden 1 for Christmas in 1999 and later on I acquired more systems. Only in the last several years after discovering the Youtube Gaming Community, I got into the collecting aspect of gaming, mostly trying to acquire the systems I wanted growing up but never got. I do keep up with current games as much as I can, but I will always have a soft spot for classic 8 bit and 16 bit games, and also enjoy discovering the hidden gems.

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