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Author Topic: Best games for the 360
Posts: 111
Post Best games for the 360
on: October 22, 2012, 20:15

I have an Xbox 360, it's the only current generation console I own and the only reason we got it is because my niece really, really wanted to play kinectimals. The only games I have for the console are the games that came bundled with it ( kinect adventures and kinect sports) as well as kinectimals and the console is sadly never used. Since I don't keep up with current generation console news, especially not for the 360 I really don't know what good games - other than shooters - are on the console. Since the next console generation is nearing and games for this generation of gaming are gonna be getting less and less expensive, I figured there's no better time to start picking up some games for it so what are your guys' recommendations?

Keep in kind that I don't like shooters and I don't play rated M games, I also am not a big fan or survival horror games. I love RPG's though.

Posts: 96
Post Re: Best games for the 360
on: October 23, 2012, 16:27

Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2. While not the best in series they're great on the 360, and fix many problem from the FFXII game on PS2, like the combat system, just enter auto-attack, choos you're attack, or item, and keep paradigm's up to date with players and abilities and you should be fine. Lots of grinding though, but it's worth it.

"Take my love, take my land, take me where i cannot stand, I don't care I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me."

Posts: 91
Post Re: Best games for the 360
on: October 24, 2012, 10:33

If you're into racing games, anything from the Forza series is worth looking into. You are, unfortunately, taking some of the best games on the Xbox out of the picture by not playing shooters (Mass Effect series, absolutely amazing!), but you could also look into the Elder Scrolls games (Oblivion and Skyrim on the 360, not sure if Morrowind is on the backwards compatible list, but if it is, it's also worth a look). As always, there are hundreds of sports games you could check out, but for RPGs, you can't get much better than the Final Fantasy games, as Jmeon4eva mentioned.

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