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Author Topic: Current Game list
Posts: 91
Post Re: Current Game list
on: January 15, 2013, 20:34

Quote from Outlaw on January 13, 2013, 22:05
Nice collections everyone I always loved the star wars games! 😛

Also, PGen98 and hex1gon that would be amazing to see, your massive collections too!!

I'll try and get some pictures together over the next couple of days. 🙂

Posts: 91
Post Re: Current Game list
on: March 16, 2013, 16:15

Just reading through this again and noticed I never got around to getting some pictures up, so I just went and took some quick pics with my phone (not the best quality) that shows my Xbox collection:

(Quick Note: There are still a few games with Goodwill stickers and such on them -- they're tested and working, just not properly cleaned and de-stickered as yet :D)

A Note About Organization: I know they're not in alphabetical order, as I simply haven't gotten around to doing that as yet. My order may look like chaos, but it's organized in a way that lets me know precisely where things are based on play frequency, but even that isn't organized in the manner you might expect. So, it's chatoic, but it's fully managed chaos :D.

1: "Side view" of Xbox and Xbox 360 collection. They're side-by-side, so it was unavoidable that the 360 stuff got into the pictures, too :D.


2: Bottom 3 shelves.


3: Bottom middle section.


4: Upper middle section.


5: Upper section.


6: Overflow section.


Posts: 91
Post Re: Current Game list
on: April 4, 2013, 22:06

Sorry for constantly bumping this thread, but I've moved my Xbox collection to a new bookshelf I just acquired, which gives a somewhat better idea of what my total Xbox collection looks like together, so I thought I'd post it here. This new bookshelf is gigantic, so even with 200+ Xbox games lining the shelves, it's barely over half full, so that gave me a chance to put some of my 2600, Genesis, SMS, GBA, 3DS+DS and Gamecube games in as well.

Here it is 🙂


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