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Author Topic: xbox 360 for sale...maybe
Posts: 29
Post xbox 360 for sale...maybe
on: October 25, 2012, 14:30

Hey I was thinking of selling my 360 as how I never play it and all it does is collect dust. How much do you think i could sell it for? It's the "arcade edition" so it does not have a huge hard drive I have 3 or 4 controllers 2 charge and play cords and the following games: halo remake, halo 3, halo 3 collectors edition, halo 3 ODST, halo reach, gears of war, gears of war 2, fable 2 and a wired guitar hero controller. Now I'm not wanting to go to gamestop so how much do u think I can get out of this thanks 🙂

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