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Author Topic: US Saturn
Posts: 198
Post US Saturn
on: October 27, 2012, 13:00

Okay, so here is the question. When I had two japanese Saturn's, both gifted to me under different circumstances. I never had a US or a EU Saturn console, although I do have a few games, but obviously I never played em. At one point I thought that it would be nice to buy a US Saturn for a change to play a few US games, but I don't know any good US exclusives. What is your Top 10 that was never available in Japan?

Mogul by day, gamer by night. Moscow/Russia gang.

Posts: 56
Post Re: US Saturn
on: October 27, 2012, 14:34

wow thats a hard question....Its the Japanese library that shines...Obviously I prefer to play rpgs in PAL because I don't speak Japanese.

You have a few cool Atari collections I think
Discworld is okay
Indipendence day is a US exclusive I believe, never played though

There are a few games only avaiable in EU and Japan like a few mega man x games and things like that. Overall I belive the US drew the shortest Sega Saturn straw when it comes to games.

But don't buyy a PAL or US console. Instead buy a Action Replay 4 in 1 card. it makes your console region free. it upgrades your ram. It works as a memory card and it has cheat codes as well. Costs about 20 dollars on play asia.

Retro Reviews by me 😀 - http://www.youtube.com/firehousegames

"It's not clear to me what to do with that Pong machine"

Posts: 198
Post Re: US Saturn
on: October 27, 2012, 15:35

So, there is no point, I guess. I'm used to japanese, but can't really speak, although I understand most of the words they say, so it really helps in gaming (and my day job).

Mogul by day, gamer by night. Moscow/Russia gang.

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