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Author Topic: Your top 10
Posts: 22
Post Your top 10
on: October 30, 2012, 08:03

Alright, since the SNES has one of these threads, we gotta have one for the Genesis/Mega Drive.

1. Rolling Thunder 2
2. Streets of Rage
3. NHL Hockey
4. Star Control
5. Shining Force
6. Shining Force 2
7. Todd's Adventures in Slime World
8. Sonic CD
9. The Terminator (Sega CD)

Posts: 198
Post Re: Your top 10
on: October 30, 2012, 14:11

Okay, my Mega Drive Top 10.

1. Alisia Dragoon
2. Sonic The Hedgehog
3. Bari-Arm (Mega CD)
4. Bare Knuckle 2
5. Fatal Fury 2
6. Comix Zone
7. Panorama Cotton
8. M.U.S.H.A.
9. Aladdin
10. Sonic & Knucles

Mogul by day, gamer by night. Moscow/Russia gang.

Posts: 11
Post Re: Your top 10
on: October 30, 2012, 16:39

1. Darius 2
2. Space harrier 2
3. Sonic
4. Soni3
5. Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse
6. Burning force
7. Desert strike
8. Outrun
9. Streets of Rage
10. Golden axe

Posts: 80
Post Re: Your top 10
on: October 30, 2012, 17:45

My Top 10:

1. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 + Knuckles - Both games locked together play the game as the developers originally intended the full game to play, best Sonic game of all time, IMO.

2. Sonic the Hedgehog - The original is the one I played the most as it came with my Sega Genesis. So I have a lot of nostalgia attached to it.

3. X-Men 2: The Clone Wars - One of the best X-Men games and one of the best beat-em ups ever made, IMO. Fantastic graphics and sound for the Sega Genesis, great level design, and true to the comics of the time. Plus you were able to play as the mighty Magneto!

4. Golden Axe - I loved this game in the arcade long before I ever played it on the Genesis. So the best home version of it HAD to be in my collection as soon as I got a Genesis.

5. Lords of Thunder (Sega CD) - Saw other Sega CD entries on other people's lists, so I figured it was fair game. Best shmup I've EVER played, as far as I'm concerned. Addicting, challenging, precise controls, great graphics, interesting setting, and fan-freaking-tastic guitar-driven soundtrack.

6. Vectorman - I know, it's kind of a Mega Man rip-off, but it's a good one! It's just plain fun to navigate the labyrinth-esque levels while blasting through robots.

7. Altered Beast - Like Golden Axe, this was an old arcade favorite of mine. So I had to have it in my collection immeadiatly. And how cool is it to turn into a beast and just dominate in that game?

8. Raiden Trad - I love shmups, and this one was my favorite on the Genesis. This was again, because it was an old arcade favorite of mine. I used to play the arcade frequently at a local pizza place that's no longer around, sadly.

9. Maximum Carnage (Spider-Man & Venom) - Tough-as-nails beat-em up with some great graphics, sound, and controls. This one follows the Spider-Man comic storyline of the same name, which back then I was OBSESSED with Spider-Man comics, especially ones with Venom & Carnage.

10. Comix Zone - I'm a lifelong comic book fan, so the style of this game just called out to me. Such a tough game, though. I STILL haven't made it any further than the Monk Monastary level after the Alien Pods level (Level 3, I think?).

Posts: 4
Post Re: Your top 10
on: November 9, 2012, 18:53

1-Bare Knuckle 2 (aka Streets of Rage 2)
2-Sonic The Hedgehog (1)
3-The Super Shinobi 2 (aka Shinobi 3 : Return of The Ninja Master)
4-Contra : Hard Corps
5-Crude Buster (aka two Crude Dudes)
6-Shadow Dancer
7-Gunstar Heroes
8-Golden Axe 3
10-World of Illusion

Posts: 70
Post Re: Your top 10
on: November 12, 2012, 19:01

1. Sonic 3 and Knuckles
2. Shinobi 3
3. X-Men 2
4. Maxium Carnage
5.Phantasy Star 3
6. Super Street Fighter 2
7.Mortal Kombat (CD)
9. Vectorman
10.Contra Hard Corps

Posts: 56
Post Re: Your top 10
on: November 13, 2012, 07:39

okay, a top ten for the saturn and dreamcast was very hard...for the Mega Drive it's freaking impossible.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles is the best Sonic Game ever.
Revenge of Shinobi is awesome

I'm not gonna continue 'couse this is an impossible task......Phantasy star Series is the best!.....After Burner 2! Decap Attack! Mortal Kombat.....so many games. The best Console of all time? Yeah probably!

Retro Reviews by me 😀 - http://www.youtube.com/firehousegames

"It's not clear to me what to do with that Pong machine"

Posts: 64
Post Re: Your top 10
on: March 22, 2013, 19:27

Genesis is a great system and I agree while its difficult to list your favorite 10 games, at least I can share a couple of the best franchises....
--Streets of Rage series
--Cool Spot series
--Golden Axe series
--Vectorman series
--Sonic series (of course, but better with Knuckles)
Also shout out to games like Ecco, Bonanza Bros, and NBA Hangtime

"work is for people who can't play videogames" --Billy Mitchell
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