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Author Topic: Wii u memory question
Posts: 13
Post Wii u memory question
on: November 18, 2012, 14:10

Hi guys,

I have pre ordered a wii u I was going to wait until the new year, but thanks to my mrs I got a offer I could not refuse. Anyway the only thing is its the white wii u I am getting with the poor memory. Anyway my question is this I know that a sd card cannot be used to save wii u game data, but can a USB memory stick. I do not download much stuff so I'm thinking a 16 gb USB memory stick would be cheap and practical.

Posts: 25
Post Re: Wii u memory question
on: February 20, 2013, 18:37

Save data can be internal wii storage, sd card, thumb drive or a powered usb external hard drive but to actually download games you really need a hard drive any powered external usb hard drive will work once its formatted thru the wii u I suggest getting a cheap one at frys electronics or newegg.com and if your not in the states I am sure there is some cheap online outlet for you one thing to be aware of is that there are 3rd parties making wii u branded external drives for a premium but honestly no difference so just save yourself some money

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