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Author Topic: Super Tempo (Saturn)
Posts: 91
Post Super Tempo (Saturn)
on: November 19, 2012, 22:29

Other than Psychic Killer Taromaru, which I'm somewhat giving up on at this point, Super Tempo for the Saturn is a game I'm trying to find, but just can't. At least, not for a decent price. It's an import that just seems to go for insane prices. I played it once, and it's actually quite a fun game, but for the money it goes for, it's just impossible to justify.

If anyone stumbles across a lead on this one, I'd appreciate the tip! 😀

Having said that -- anyone own or even play this game? It's a really fun game for what it is, and I'm only somewhat ashamed to admit that I love the soundtrack for it. Not really expecting much from this thread, so might as well talk about the game if nothing else 🙂

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