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Author Topic: 1-2 more years.
Posts: 96
Post 1-2 more years.
on: November 21, 2012, 16:18

So i have a feeling within 2 years, the next system will be out to replace the 360, and with it, end this xbox models "life" as a contender. That being said, i hope they do not do what they did with the original xbox going into the 360, and just end it, which i don't think they will.

1)The PS2
2)The PS2

And 3) THE PS2!

As you can tell the PS2 is a big reason why I think Microsoft won't end production of the 360. Sony has been producing PS2's since what 1999? 2000? that around 12 years, and they wouldn't be making them still, if no one was buying them.

Do i think that they will make another model of the 360? No, and here's the reason why. The slim model has had a far better track record then the original model, that's thanks to all the additions they put into the slim to make it vent better, apparently a little tube that adds additional flow of heat, and a re-designed heat-sink in the console. You also have to take into account that again withing 2 years the next console should be out, that would be far too soon between time, and they don't want to end up like Sega did going from the Genesis to the Saturn, making new models of a console even after the release of it's next one? -_- Sorry Sega, but i call fail.

Do i think the next xbox will be missing a physical media, (disc/blu-ray) drive? No. I say that simply because it would be too soon for games to go that way, and they would have to deal with an entire world of angry gamers.

"Take my love, take my land, take me where i cannot stand, I don't care I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me."

Posts: 91
Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: November 22, 2012, 00:40

Last I heard, the next Xbox (I refuse to call it the 720, such a horrible name...just call it the NextBox or something, media!) is slated for a release in the Holiday 2013 window, with companies like Treyarch, EA and LionHead (hey, now that Peter Molyneux's gone, maybe the next Fable WILL be as good as promised!) working on launch titles. Pure speculation, obviously, but that's what I've heard about it.

Given that it's Microsoft we're talking about here, I don't see them keeping the 360 alive for very long once the next Xbox launches. There would be no incentive for the casual gamer to purchase the next Xbox if they kept the 360 around, so as a company, the logical move is to push the customer towards the newest product. I could see the 360 lingering for a year at the most, but not beyond that, unless the next Xbox is such a colossal failure.

As far as completely losing the physical me drive, I have to agree that it's unlikely for this generation; however, I wouldn't put it past Microsoft or Sony to make that move. They're doing all they can to push consumers towards digital goods as much as possible, and the next logical step is for games to lose the physical counterpart. If there is a physical media drive on the next Xbox, my guess is that within 2-4 years Microsoft has most of the major developers releasing games via Xbox Live Games on Demand the same day as their physical copies, so that fewer customers buy physical copies and they'll tail off to the point that it becomes a "logical step" for the companies to take. Cheaper for Microsoft and Sony, cheaper for the developers, etc. It'll anger gamers everywhere, sure, but the casual gamer won't care, and that's why it'll probably happen at some point. I dislike it, because I like to know that I actually own the game I paid for, but I suppose I'm equally hypocritical because I enjoy downloading games from XBLA (indie games, particularly). This is turning into a ramble, so I think I should end this here, but essentially -- I don't see the physical drive slipping away at the start, but wouldn't be at all surprised if it did in the later life of the next console(s).

Having said all of that, I did recently read an article that mentioned plans for an Xbox set top version, which is essentially what we're talking about there -- a stripped down Xbox good primarily for TV and apps, but with limited XBLA capability. Won't be the standard model, but a cheaper alternative for those who aren't big into gaming.

Posts: 96
Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: November 22, 2012, 09:24

But even the casual gamer likes physical media, simply for the fact, if they have an angry ex-gf, or bf, or if they somehow manage to whipe the drive, they'll lose their games. I DO see it happening, but not till two gens from now.

2013 launch date, i been hearing that, but with microsoft's recent moves, like a permanant price cut of $50 on all models, the fact that recent games on the system like Halo 4 are squeezing it like a lemon to get graphics....idk, i just think there's a good 50-50 chance it'll be either Holiday 2013, or 2014.........and i was writing this like it was 2011, lol, my bad.

"Take my love, take my land, take me where i cannot stand, I don't care I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me."

Posts: 91
Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: November 22, 2012, 22:07

I wouldn't bank on casual gamers being upset with the loss of physical games. Most casual gamers are used to it by now (XBLA, PSN, mobile games, etc), so it would be as natural a progression for consoles as it was for those.

It's definitely going to be a Holiday 2013 launch for the next Xbox, that's practically a given already. Best time for them to launch, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were near enough complete already.

Posts: 96
Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: November 22, 2012, 22:38

Quote from PGen98 on November 22, 2012, 22:07
I wouldn't bank on casual gamers being upset with the loss of physical games. Most casual gamers are used to it by now (XBLA, PSN, mobile games, etc), so it would be as natural a progression for consoles as it was for those.

It's definitely going to be a Holiday 2013 launch for the next Xbox, that's practically a given already. Best time for them to launch, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were near enough complete already.

True, i just hope they give the 360 at LEAST a year before they pull the plug, i mean, really? come on the 360, has ended up being a good thing for them, yes RRoD aside, it's made some good money for microsoft.

"Take my love, take my land, take me where i cannot stand, I don't care I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me."

Posts: 74
Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: November 28, 2012, 19:16

Question is will there be another gen of gaming consoles that actually sell in the market? We're getting more and more computer spec'ed with each new gen of console to the point where most hardcore gamers are just using a PC and download services like Steam and Origin. PC gaming is expanding more and more and it seems to me like console gaming is decreasing. Will a casual gamer really care about graphics that they can't really see a difference to with their eyes?

As others have said, the PS2 was a huge hit and it was a hit for a reason. People saw its power side by side with the PS1, it was much much better quality and the PS2 was able to play DVDs. Those were huge perks to the casual market. When the PS3 launched, many casual gamers turned their noses up at its hefty price tag that came with the system. We had the format war of the HD DVD and the Blu Ray going head to head and no one really wanted to cough up money for a power house console at the time.

Now the tables are completely turned. Blu Ray won, the 360 and PS3 are pushed to their limits graphically by their amazing developers and many casual gamers own either system if not both. Pricing is perfect game and console wise finally. I don't feel that people are going to want to spend a lot of money on new generation gaming systems when they won't really see that much of a change in power to the naked eye.

As avid gamers we know the specs and will be able to notice the differences but I feel with things like the OUYA on the horizon and Steam dabbling in hardware both Microsoft and Sony are going to be hesitant on releasing the PS4 and 720. Tablet / Smartphone gaming is becoming bigger and bigger and developers are jumping on board with this platform as well. We didn't have a market like we do for power house gaming consoles like we did when the PS3 and the 360 came out. In my eyes they're going to want to gain as much money from an already established console that has a huge fan base for as many more years as they can. Verses trying to slowly ween a mass of people into a brand new market of higher priced consoles and games that in this era may not work out as well as planed.

Posts: 96
Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: November 28, 2012, 21:06

Quote from InnovaX5 on November 28, 2012, 19:16
Question is will there be another gen of gaming consoles that actually sell in the market? We're getting more and more computer spec'ed with each new gen of console to the point where most hardcore gamers are just using a PC and download services like Steam and Origin. PC gaming is expanding more and more and it seems to me like console gaming is decreasing. Will a casual gamer really care about graphics that they can't really see a difference to with their eyes?

As others have said, the PS2 was a huge hit and it was a hit for a reason. People saw its power side by side with the PS1, it was much much better quality and the PS2 was able to play DVDs. Those were huge perks to the casual market. When the PS3 launched, many casual gamers turned their noses up at its hefty price tag that came with the system. We had the format war of the HD DVD and the Blu Ray going head to head and no one really wanted to cough up money for a power house console at the time.

Now the tables are completely turned. Blu Ray won, the 360 and PS3 are pushed to their limits graphically by their amazing developers and many casual gamers own either system if not both. Pricing is perfect game and console wise finally. I don't feel that people are going to want to spend a lot of money on new generation gaming systems when they won't really see that much of a change in power to the naked eye.

As avid gamers we know the specs and will be able to notice the differences but I feel with things like the OUYA on the horizon and Steam dabbling in hardware both Microsoft and Sony are going to be hesitant on releasing the PS4 and 720. Tablet / Smartphone gaming is becoming bigger and bigger and developers are jumping on board with this platform as well. We didn't have a market like we do for power house gaming consoles like we did when the PS3 and the 360 came out. In my eyes they're going to want to gain as much money from an already established console that has a huge fan base for as many more years as they can. Verses trying to slowly ween a mass of people into a brand new market of higher priced consoles and games that in this era may not work out as well as planed.

I just think the smartphone/tablet still has a ways to go before they match up, yes they're rapidly catching up, but i think they're far closer to the Wii U then xbox or ps4 next year. As for PC, PC has ALWAYS been there, and always will simply because it's a reliable format.

"Take my love, take my land, take me where i cannot stand, I don't care I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me."

Posts: 74
Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: November 30, 2012, 13:00

I agree with you man. I think you misunderstood me though. The PC has always been there for sure. What I'm saying is PC gaming has had its fan base increased by two, maybe three times the size it was in 2005 when the 360 launched. Back in the day the majority of game players that wanted to game, went out and bought a console of their choice. Today, you don't need a console to get many of the same titles being released and the PC has the graphic edge that many hardcore players crave. Consoles are by no means dead, but the market for them has greatly depreciated - I think that is why it is almost 2013 and we STILL have the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

Posts: 96
Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: November 30, 2012, 13:40

Everyone is STILL buying the ps2 though

"Take my love, take my land, take me where i cannot stand, I don't care I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me."

Posts: 252
Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: January 7, 2013, 14:15

I think the PS2 is dead, and as for the next gen I agree with your guys' points. I unfortunately believe the used game market will be dead for the next Microsoft and Sony systems.

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