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Author Topic: 1-2 more years.
Posts: 198
Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: January 7, 2013, 14:51

I haven't seen PS2 in stores for years, but it's not the point. I'm afraid, that the next generation consoles won't make a big difference on the market today. I remember my Dreamcast being better than Saturn, PS3 was obviously better than Dreamcast and I don't see that much of a difference with Wii U. I had this thing for a few days and the games that I got look good, but these games don't really push the boundaries. Assassin's Creed looks just a little bit better on Wii U, but I my PS3 version still looks amazing. There were no lines at the stores, I just walked in and bought the damn thing. When PS3 came out I had to buy a console in a fashion designer store with his logo and shit, because the rest of the stock was sold out on the second day. I think that Wii U is going to die in a very painful manner, because Microsoft has a lof of time to come up with something better and Sony, well, they always come up with something even more better than their competitors. Do you guys remember how Dreamcast died? Sony launched PS2 and boom, in the next few months nobody was buying Sega's console. I remember buying an additional Dreamcast for my country house just for 50$. As for the decline of physical copies, I must say, that it's only a speculation, because we don't have internet everywhere and companies would want to sell their product to a wider audience. I pay 200$ monthly for a good internet connection, most people can't afford that and we are talking Moscow, not some Siberian village. Take Africa, take China, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, it's millions of people that don't have an option to download games. Plus, PS3 games come on Blu Ray and that means a lot of space. I don't see a 2TB console around the corner. Sony and Microsoft made the right decision with postponing the releases of their next generation consoles, I wonder what they'd come up with.

Mogul by day, gamer by night. Moscow/Russia gang.

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Post Re: 1-2 more years.
on: March 18, 2018, 00:38

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