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Author Topic: Who in the uk is getting a wii u this Friday?
Posts: 13
Post Who in the uk is getting a wii u this Friday?
on: November 25, 2012, 09:33

Just wondered who else had one pre ordered. I was going to pass on getting one until the new year, but got an incredible deal through a catalogue my wife does pr for. Getting the basic console, sonic racing, avengers and rabbids multi player bs or whatever it's called. For a price I could not pass up.

My plan is that I will start the system update then drive into town and trade in the rabbids game against mario wii u. And I may pick up. Nintendoland as well if I get caught up in the launch hype. And hopefully in the time I am gone it will be updated.

My son has made me promise that I will not play it until he gets home from school lol.

So what are you guys planning on getting this Friday or are you going to give it a miss? Or do any of you guys in the USA regret buying one on launch or maybe even wish you had pre ordered so you did not miss out?

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