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Author Topic: Final Fantasy VI Discussion
Posts: 252
Post Final Fantasy VI Discussion
on: November 29, 2012, 09:19

Crow from the RetroRoadShow, Silvermongoose and Noodles discuss Final Fantasy VI here. http://dev2017.gamester81.com/gaming-favourites-ep-5-the-final-fantasy-series/

How do you guys feel about this classic RPG?

Posts: 39
Post Re: Final Fantasy VI Discussion
on: November 29, 2012, 14:25

Favorite Final Fantasy game, easy. I know, people love Final Fantasy VII. I hate to be that person, but ugh. Too much reading. Gameplay needs to be submersing, and reading walls of text can really detract from that experience. I know, there was reading in Final Fantasy 6 as well, but a lot of the story was told through gameplay.

Also, I love how they used Mode 7 in that game. Amazing effects.


I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like is any of this for real or not?

Posts: 74
Post Re: Final Fantasy VI Discussion
on: November 29, 2012, 15:26

FF VI basically set the bar for all RPGs created after it. Some people argue it has the best soundtrack of any FF to date.

Posts: 33
Post Re: Final Fantasy VI Discussion
on: November 30, 2012, 08:37

I love FF6. The opening scene with the Mechs in the snow blew me away when I first turned on the game at launch. Plus, the shear length and depth of the game was a new experience for me at the time. The way the story is told through the introduction of new characters and twists keeps you immersed in the game and makes you want to play it nonstop. When it was rereleased for the GBA, I picked it up right away. Perfect system for that game and for grinding for some levels and celestriads in Dinosaur Forest.

Posts: 34
Post Re: Final Fantasy VI Discussion
on: December 3, 2012, 23:25

Absolutely amazing game and definitely my favorite FF game. Why it hasn't been remade is beyond stupid, I'd have even liked to see a remake similar to FF4 DS.


Found this recently on Youtube and blew my mind. Always wanted to hear an orchestration of this track ever since I was a kid and beat the game for the first time. Never knew this orchestration even existed.

Apparently it was a group of fans called "Littlejack" in Japan. They did 2 hours + of FF6 music but wasn't officially backed by Square so it was never professionally recorded/sold. This is the only known recording. Nobuo Uematsu even attended.

Posts: 198
Post Re: Final Fantasy VI Discussion
on: December 4, 2012, 08:43

I want a remake. This game is amazing. Much better than FF4 that gets all the hype these days.

Mogul by day, gamer by night. Moscow/Russia gang.

Posts: 64
Post Re: Final Fantasy VI Discussion
on: March 13, 2013, 04:18

Among the best story in the series and gave us probably the best music in the series,
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75QC59i-dIY --Terra's Theme
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Isz5LhlO1H0 -- Dancing Mad
Also, if you like those, u must pick up the albums Distant Worlds: music of final fantasy, they're soooo good.

"work is for people who can't play videogames" --Billy Mitchell
'GameTime' hosted by Kyle-- http://www.youtube.com/user/GAMETIMEwithKyle

Posts: 13
Post Re: Final Fantasy VI Discussion
on: September 20, 2013, 07:33

FF6 is my current favorite of the Final Fantasy series. It does flip places with FF9 from time to time, but it is a fantastic game. I love the story and the characters. The music is amazing, especially for being on the SNES. Just the opening title screen still gives me goosebumps when I see it. Without spoiling anything, I do like how the game really changes for that last half of the game. That you are given the freedom to do things how you want, minus the very start of this part of the game where you have to go where the game tells you. The main story kinda fades into the background during this part, but then you get a lot of the characters' stories coming out and I really like that.

Although I don't know where they would go with the story (again not going into detail to avoid spoilers), I would love to see a sequel made along the lines of FF4's After Years. And anyone that hasn't played this game that is a fan of RPG's at all needs to give it a shot. 😉

- Ryan Phoenix
The RPG Tour Guide

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