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Author Topic: Commodore Vic 20
Buried On-
Posts: 98
Post Commodore Vic 20
on: November 29, 2012, 09:25

Can anyone else here go as far back as I can and remember the Vic 20? It was the first gaming system my family owned and it was so much fun. Most of the games on it were clones of other popular games but I remember we had on cartridge:

Mole Attack
Adventure - Space invaders clone
Radar Rat Race - Rally X clone

Yep. Four games. That is all you needed in the '80s. We also had the tape deck for it but I don't remember having any games with it. I did try to program a Star Trek game for it which was the first and last time I tried to make a game.

Check out my disastrously clever youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BuriedOnMars/

Posts: 252
Post Re: Commodore Vic 20
on: December 21, 2012, 13:12

Yeah the Vic 20 is a classic Commodore computer and often times gets overlooked by the C64. I remember playing all those games you mentioned and all were fun to play.

Buried On-
Posts: 98
Post Re: Commodore Vic 20
on: December 21, 2012, 17:36

Quote from gamester81 on December 21, 2012, 13:12
Yeah the Vic 20 is a classic Commodore computer and often times gets overlooked by the C64. I remember playing all those games you mentioned and all were fun to play.

Thank goodness someone else remembers the Vic! I feel a little less ancient now.

Check out my disastrously clever youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BuriedOnMars/

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