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Author Topic: Atarimax
Posts: 74
Post Atarimax
on: December 7, 2012, 23:34

Just picked up an "Atarimax Ultimate SD" for Colecovision. Its a SD card cart for use with the Colecovision. This thing seems super well built. Does not feel cheap at all...has a power LED and a reset button on the cart itself. SD card slot seems to have been machine cut into the cart's casing. Very high quality label on it.

Sadly I'm not really going to have time to check it out and dump some ROMs on to it until Monday or Tuesday due to my heavy work schedule for the weekend. I'll keep you guys posted on it and give it a break down on if this cartridge is worthy of your collection.

Posts: 74
Post Re: Atarimax
on: January 3, 2013, 11:30

Really uber delayed review I know.

This thing is amazing. I really can't praise it highly enough and words don't really do it justice. I haven't had a game not work on it, everything plays / sounds perfect, it was packed in with two homebrew coleco games preloaded to the SD card which both are insanely well done. I have nearly every colecovision game and it can be a real pain in the ass sometimes to have every game my friends and I may wanna play on our retro nights at our finger tips. So this cart alone for convince is amazing.

I'm a huge fan of flash carts, I really love the Everdrives done by Krikzz and Stone Age Gamer. I own every Everdrive as well as a SD2SNES and this Colecovision cart is just as good of quality as they are. I'd say it was worth every cent I paid for it. Hope to find one for Atari 7800 some day that is as good of quality.

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