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Author Topic: I want one.
Posts: 11
Post Re: I want one.
on: October 21, 2012, 20:46

I would strongly suggest getting the action replay all in 1 card (acting as both the 1meg and 4meg expansion cards) the reason I say this is using these 3rd party cards has a tendency to stretch the pins out in your system. so you may find that after using a gameshark you can use nothing else so no 1meg/4meg games will work in your system without some repair.

for this reason I haven't used my gameshark and I'm waiting for an action replay to arrive.

food for thought at the very least.

Posts: 34
Post Re: I want one.
on: October 21, 2012, 22:37

Sega Saturn is my favorite system ever. Definitely worth picking one up. Course the games are the pricey part of it.

I'm happy some of the good Saturn games are coming out on XBLA anyway.

Posts: 91
Post Re: I want one.
on: October 24, 2012, 10:55

I've had my Saturn since the beginning, and I've loved it since day one. Never really understood why everyone was so down on it during its day, it had some really great titles.

Saddest fact I will ever admit to -- I owned a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga when it was new, but wound up trading it in for something else (can't even remember what it was). I was young and stupid, and I still look back and wished I hadn't done that. Cost me one hell of a pretty penny replacing it later on down the line...

Anyway, good luck hunting one down and getting into Saturn collecting! It can be pricey, sure, but there are a lot of great games for it 😉

Quote from Symphony on October 21, 2012, 22:37
I'm happy some of the good Saturn games are coming out on XBLA anyway.

Agreed, but they're still missing a fair few of the really good games. Still, it's great to see them coming back!

Posts: 198
Post Re: I want one.
on: October 24, 2012, 11:12

A japanese Saturn costs something around 100-150$ on eBay, an american Saturn costs something like 40-70$, not that outrageous to me. In case if you don't remember, it was discontinued more than 10 years ago, it didn't have a long life and it wasn't selling well. Why are you surprised? When I really wanted to get me a white Saturn, I started sniping one on eBay and got it for 45$ + shipment. Cheer up and work harder on finding a price that fits your pocket. Oh, and good luck with Panzer Dragoon Saga, this game is worth every dollar.

Mogul by day, gamer by night. Moscow/Russia gang.

Posts: 11
Post Re: I want one.
on: November 7, 2012, 10:59

Quote from lancevance821 on October 20, 2012, 22:24
I know a action replay will get your Sega Saturn region free so which one should I get north american or japanesse?

Japanese - even with the Action replay there are a few Japanese games a North American / PAL Saturn cant play. (KoF95 and Ultraman)

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