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Author Topic: YouTube Gaming Community eDrama
Posts: 252
Post YouTube Gaming Community eDrama
on: February 16, 2013, 19:41

I posted this article about my thoughts of eDrama on YouTube. What are your guys'?

Posts: 42
Post Re: YouTube Gaming Community eDrama
on: February 16, 2013, 20:01

I saw that video, I actually commented and of course when the ratings and comments were more negative about his "rant" than what the person wanted he disabled the ratings, deleted all the comments that disagreed with their point of view and made it so only the comments they liked would be approved, completely and outright childish.

It really is ridiculous how people can be and it's just to get attention on their channel because they are out right jealous of others making success by doing good and not resulting to low blows and trolling. if people want to donate it's their choice no one "forces" anyone to do anything, but some can't get that through their thick skulls it seems...

Buried On-
Posts: 98
Post Re: YouTube Gaming Community eDrama
on: February 17, 2013, 11:18

Nicely said Gamester. I have never even down voted a video if I didn't like it, unless I thought the video itself was mean. If I don't like it, I just move on. Unfortunately a lot of immature people are capable of using a computer.

Check out my disastrously clever youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BuriedOnMars/

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