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Author Topic: XBLA Indie Game Similarities?
Posts: 29
Post XBLA Indie Game Similarities?
on: February 21, 2013, 23:15

Hey, I'm not trying to hate on certain developers, but, have you noticed that so many games in the XBLA indie market have so many games "influenced" by Minecraft, DayZ, and I swear I thought I saw a Modern Warfare 3 style cover art.


Posts: 91
Post Re: XBLA Indie Game Similarities?
on: February 21, 2013, 23:49

There are a lot of clones and copies (CastleMiner, definitely! It's also a pretty terrible game...), but there are some real gems in there, as well.

Try playing Miner Dig Deep and not getting addicted! It's a really fun little game for the money, and I've found quite a few 8 bit indies that mimic other games (Breath of Death VII) which are pretty good. The problem with the indie market is that it's very easy to get a game into the system ("A Game About My Cat"...), so there will always be crap to wade through. It's just a matter of sifting through and finding the really good games rather than the bad ones.

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