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Author Topic: Dingoo
Posts: 2
Post Dingoo
on: February 25, 2013, 20:17

Hey guys Vegas833 here, been following the site but new to the forums. Don't know if this is the right spot for this but I was wondering if anyone has a Dingoo handheld emulator? Gamester81 I am sure you have it or have some insight into this as you are the Czar of all things video games.
If anyone one has one or has thoughts on this please let me know, I was thinking about picking one up.


Posts: 66
Post Re: Dingoo
on: February 25, 2013, 23:52


Look, I have a Dingoo A330 (very close to A320, except for the shape and battery size) and a have only one complaim about it: its size is too small and my hands hurt after hakf an hour of playing. But it may not happens to you. Once you get installed the Dingux OS, you can emulate until PS1 (still in developing process).

If you are asking my opinion, go for it. Great battery length, lots of preinstalled emulators (some troubles with SNES and Neo Geo), multiple extensions movie player, connection to TV, áudio listening and recording. That's it basically.

And - I did not see that one yet, - there's a new model, A380.

You can also see this thread: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum/?mingleforumaction=viewtopic&t=77.0

Posts: 2
Post Re: Dingoo
on: February 26, 2013, 20:19

Thanks for the info guys. I should have did a search, the link was pretty insightful. Might have to pick one up.
Yes there is an A380


Posts: 111
Post Re: Dingoo
on: April 2, 2013, 00:34

A bit late to comment but I have a dingo a320 (I made a thread on it a while back, it should be around here somewhere) and it's great. Like the a330 it has a great battery life. It is small but that's never been a problem for me. Depending on your hand size it may be difficult. I have average sized hands (for a female mind you) but if you have big man hands I can see how it'd be uncomfortable but even that would be a minor problem considering its strong points. It emulates well, GB/GBC/GBA is near flawless out of the box, SNES can be a bit buggy with some games but disabling the sound usually helps. Most of e bugs are sound related but I hear with dingux this completely fixes that problem. No snes game us unplayable from my experience though. The genesis emulation out of box is a bit disappointing. There's some sound and frame rate issues and random glitches. It's the worst out of the box emulator but once again from what I've heard dingux also helps this immensely. Mine broke before I got a chance to install dingux (my grandmother dropped it on the floor) but from what I've seen it looks promising. I definitely want to pick up a replacement sometime soon.

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