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Author Topic: Mindjack?
Posts: 91
Post Mindjack?
on: March 14, 2013, 17:46

I know this is a game that got terrible/mediocre reviews from several outlets, but was it really that bad? I just picked this game up from GameStop for $3.49! It was only released in 2011, and while I have seen games like MLB 2k10, NBA 2k10 and other games released around that time for similar amounts; however, a game that's relatively newer for that sort of money?

Has anyone played this game? Is it really that bad? Worth a play-through, at least? Or worth the $3.49 I just paid?

Buried On-
Posts: 98
Post Re: Mindjack?
on: March 15, 2013, 05:33

I've been curious about that game too. I haven't seen it for that price though! Only around $20.

Check out my disastrously clever youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BuriedOnMars/

Posts: 91
Post Re: Mindjack?
on: March 15, 2013, 09:57

I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but finding it yesterday for so cheap just seemed really strange! You should get to your local GameStop(s) and have a look, because that's the cheapest I've seen it going for. Perhaps one for your "Rescued from the Bin" segments? 😉

I keep reading reviews that say the controls are a bit clunky and the AI is somewhat weak, but nothing that seems completely detrimental. I'm hoping when I get back later today I can give it some play time and see what it's like.

Posts: 198
Post Re: Mindjack?
on: March 15, 2013, 11:43

This game is okay, but I remember paying 50$ for it on SALE, but it fairly costs 30$ if you ask me.

Mogul by day, gamer by night. Moscow/Russia gang.

Posts: 91
Post Re: Mindjack?
on: March 15, 2013, 18:21

Well, it's not a bad game, IMO. I'm only a level into the game, but I'm finding it quite decent. Yes, the controls are slightly on the clunky side, aiming is a tad...precise...(want a headshot with a pistol? Go for it, but you'll need at lest 3 to get a kill. Don't worry, though, find an automatic weapon of any kind and you can just spray the area and they'll eventually go down...), but I quite like the overall concept. Also, I LOVE that you can mind hack downed enemies and turn them against your enemies. Really useful feature for getting through in areas where you've got quite a few enemies. I'm still really early in the game, though, so who knows, maybe it gets worse later on...

For the money, though, I'm really pleased with it!

Posts: 91
Post Re: Mindjack?
on: March 18, 2013, 00:17

I'm a little bit further into this game now, and I'm thinking of it more like a Shenmue 2 sort of game -- decent game, slightly clunky controls and hilariously bad voice acting in parts (want to play a game of lucky hit? How 'bout playing lucky hit? Want to try lucky hit? How 'bout playing lucky hit? Etc). I still can't believe it was so cheap, it's proving to be something of a steal for the price (granted, there are frustrating parts, and it might get worse as it moves on)!

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