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Author Topic: Where is the strangest place you have ever played video games?
Posts: 21
Post Where is the strangest place you have ever played video games?
on: May 2, 2013, 19:35

So what is the weirdest, strangest, or most awkward place you have ever played video games. This can be anywhere whether it is in church*cough*, or on the can, lol. The weirdest place I have ever played video games is in my closet. When I was younger me and my siblings were really big into Pokemon. So me and them would sit on opposite sides of the closet and just play Pokemon. We would battle each other and just talk about our Pokemon and what we just did. So mine actually happens to be a good memory, maybe yours isn't so good?

Posts: 198
Post Re: Where is the strangest place you have ever played video games?
on: May 3, 2013, 07:28

London Oil & Gas Con 2010. I paid some serious bucks to get there, but it turned out to be a dull experience. Next thin you know, I sit on a couch in a meeting room and kick ass in Crisis Core.

Mogul by day, gamer by night. Moscow/Russia gang.

Posts: 91
Post Re: Where is the strangest place you have ever played video games?
on: May 3, 2013, 15:16

Department of Motor Vehicles. Got bored waiting for my turn and broke out some New Super Mario Bros on the DS. Haven't really had any Games on the Go since that time, but it was probably the "weirdest" place I've ever played games.

Posts: 12
Post Re: Where is the strangest place you have ever played video games?
on: May 6, 2013, 13:53

I think my weirdest place was at my friends room for sleep over in Utah when I played Diddy Kong Racing trying to defeat Wizpig for the first time. Which is the most common nightmare for children of the N64 Era. Since he and I played it during night time till midnight which is a weird experience for sleep overs.

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