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Author Topic: Glitch-o-Mania XI Companion
Posts: 6
Post Glitch-o-Mania XI Companion
on: October 14, 2017, 18:21

Didn't think I would have cranked out another one after part ten! But, with enough time and energy I found some really good glitches on some of your favorite (and not so favorite) NES games.

First, the link:

Secondly, I would like to talk about the games featured on this episode.

Chip N' Dale: Love this game. One of the great two player games on the system. Glitch is super easy to do single player. Kinda fun doing this glitch too.

8 Eyes: Good lord this is a GOOD game. The glitch however, took me many attempts to do. The position of the boss is critical in either getting the thing to work, or, starting all over again. The jewel must be at the perfect spot. A real freakin' pain, but looks really great when done correctly.

Shadowgate: Another favorite of mine. You would think a point and click game would be pretty hard to glitch. Not soo! I like the glasses copy glitch, BUT, the overflow ending glitch was the icing on the cake. And man, was that a hard glitch to recreate! It took well over an hour to figure out which item box was the correct choice to use (thus, glitching out the entire game).

Mega Man 2: Every Mega Man game has glitches. Which is great! The invincibility glitch looks great when you and bubble man KO at the same time. haha. I like how their sparks cross over each other for some reason, I dunno. 🙂 So the glitch does carry on the rest of the game. Spikes and pits still kill you though.

Shadow of the Ninja: Sweet game from my childhood. A simple glitch really. Cranking up the turbo on my controller aids in making it look pretty damn solid. I like the fall at the end. Bwahaha!

Ninja Gaiden II: Another sweet ass game. Simple clip glitch into the wall. Looks pretty nice and took me a few tries admittedly because of the wind shifting.

Power Blade: Notice a pattern? Another great game from my teens. This one is the boss grenade glitch. In certain sectors of the game you can kill the boss outright with just one grenade as you enter the room.

Ghost N' Goblins: Oh how I LOVE early Capcom NES games! So much fun to glitch out. This guy took me a little while to get done. Notice how I pause the game on and off? I'm trying to prolong the game from crashing and kicking me out to the title screen (which happened a few attempts).

Whew... that was a lot eh? You guys, let me know what you thought of the video. I really would like to hear from some of the elite's here. Also, I have a backlog of TEN other glitch videos too! Trust me, you probably haven't seen A LOT of this stuff. Share it with your friends, let them know about this please!

-Will ^>^

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