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Author Topic: Modded or no?
Posts: 42
Post Modded or no?
on: October 20, 2012, 22:36

As many people know, if you had a copy of any three games (007 : AUF, Mech Assault, or Splinter Cell) you could mod your xbox and turn it into a killer media machine!

Does anyone else have theirs modded or any special modifications (LCD, LED, etc)?

Mine is as follows :

Original charcoal black
500 GB Western Digital Caviar Blue

Emulators include - Super Nintendo, NES, Sega, Gameboy, Coin Ops Showroom (what retro nerd doesn't have a MAME emulator?) 😛

I have a long list of games ripped to the HDD aswell but a few favorites of that are : Halo 2, Soul Calibur, Amped, The Punisher, Test Drive EOD, Outlaw Golf.

Posts: 111
Post Re: Modded or no?
on: October 20, 2012, 22:45

You know, I've been thinking about getting an Xbox lately just to mod it. I have a question to anyone with a modded Xbox, first, how does an n64 emulator run on it?. And second.....I seem to have forgotten my second question xD. I'll post it if I remember it.

Posts: 42
Post Re: Modded or no?
on: October 20, 2012, 22:51

Well there's one called Surreal N64, I have it though it sometimes is a pain because you need to choose the correct video plugin otherwise sprites go missing and things you wouldn't believe!

It basically runs, using unsigned code and bypasses the normal checking.


They are worth modding, though make sure you get one from a older date 2004 I think is the latest before they went to the new v1.6 which have a security chip that doesn't stop upgrading the HDD, but makes it alot more difficult. I've locked a few harddrives to a unknown password trying that...

Posts: 111
Post Re: Modded or no?
on: October 20, 2012, 22:58

Hmmm, sound promising enough. I may just get a n64 flash cart though. I recently moved from New Hampshire to Tennessee and most of my games got left in storage including my n64 games and I've been really hurting for some Zelda. The retro game store nearby me wants $50 for ocarina of time and $40 fo Majoras mask which I certainly am not going to pay.

I hear that xecuter is the best mod chip for the Xbox but I can never find it.

Posts: 111
Post Re: Modded or no?
on: October 20, 2012, 22:59

If I remember correctly, their website said xecuter works with all versions of the Xbox but once again, I can't find the thing for the life of me.

Posts: 42
Post Re: Modded or no?
on: October 20, 2012, 23:04

Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that. My SNES suffered a similar fate, when I let a friend borrow it turns out it got sold in their storage. :/

Well if you need tips I can help, I actually have a spare xbox laying around here I've been meaning to do something with it's modded just no bigger harddrive.

Xecuter is a good chip I've seen a few come and go on my repairs, though they sadly have left original xbox behind and are now focused on 360.

Posts: 111
Post Re: Modded or no?
on: October 20, 2012, 23:16

The same likely happened to my NES and snes, I'm pretty sure they were in my moms old storage which got sold off. (it seems like 80% of my posts on this forum thus far are depressing xD )

And thanks for the offer! If I end up getting an Xbox to mod, it probably won't be for atleast another 6 months. You should post a tutorial or work log or something on this forum. I'm sure it'll help allot of people, me included.

Posts: 42
Post Re: Modded or no?
on: October 20, 2012, 23:28

Sure I can do that, I know my old xbox's inside and out.

Posts: 13
Post Re: Modded or no?
on: October 21, 2012, 00:03

I have had my Xbox modded since 2005 and I still use It regularly. While nothing can replace playing a games on its original console it's just so convenient having the whole snes library on there. And the games all look better on my hd tv than my snes actually does. I have a mame and neo geo emulator as well. Always wanted to get a Sega one, but don't have a clue how to.

It's also great having your actual Xbox games on the hard drive. From 03-06 I bought all the fifa games on Xbox and ripping them to hard drive was a great way to cut down the brutal load times.

Posts: 19
Post Re: Modded or no?
on: October 21, 2012, 00:09

I would love to get a "how to" on how to modd the xbox and which one I should buy If I want to mod it. Thanks

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