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Author Topic: Ultimate Game Days
Posts: 91
Post Ultimate Game Days
on: July 5, 2013, 17:17

Anyone get in on this?

I managed to pick up a few games as a result of this, and I'm quite happy now, got plenty to play as a result (had a few of them, but they were new/sealed (just hadn't gotten around to them), so I picked them up digitally and am going to leave the physical copies sealed.

Picked up:

-Perfect Dark Zero
-Dragon Age: Origins
-Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
-XCOM: Enemy Unknown
-FarCry Instincts Predator
-Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
-Divinity II
-Borderlands II

...also picked up Trials: Evolution and Battle: Los Angeles with spare points I had. So, not a bad haul overall.

Did anyone else take advantage of the sale (most of the games listed above will be on sale until July 8th)? Which did you pick up?

Posts: 91
Post Re: Ultimate Game Days
on: July 6, 2013, 12:39

Quote from PGen98 on July 5, 2013, 17:17
...also picked up Trials: Evolution and Battle: Los Angeles with spare points I had.

Following up on this, has anyone played Battle: Los Angeles? I picked it up because it was a cheap shooter that looked alright. I must say, it's not too bad. Granted, the storyline is terrible, the plot is as shallow as a thimble full of water, and the voice acting is Shenmue bad. The actual gameplay, though, is pretty decent for a shooter. It's not Call of Duty or Halo, but for a relatively cheap arcade game, it's actually somewhat fun. Granted, this is based on about five minutes of gameplay and two checkpoints, so that may change in time, but still...quite surprised so far.

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