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Author Topic: The Backlog with Joe Walker
Posts: 7
Post The Backlog with Joe Walker
on: July 9, 2013, 08:47

Hey dudes!

I just found this place in my never-ending search for more retro gaming content and I'm stoked! Lots of talented folks making lots of great content. I love it!

I do a show called The Backlog that focuses on obscure retro games that are still cheap and easy to find. In the beginning I had really wanted to do a show about retro games but wasn't sure what my angle should be. There's a million videos about Mario and Mega Man and Turtles in Time... what could I bring?

I have a lot of favorite games from my youth that not many people knew about, so I decided to try to get some of these forgotten gems the love they deserve. I also wanted to focus on games that are still easy to get a hold of and aren't very expensive, because nothing is worse than getting all excited for a game only to find out that it costs more than a week's worth of groceries.

Anyway, my latest episode was about Kid Niki: Radical Ninja for the NES, which I'll post here. You can find the rest of my videos over at my YouTube channel, and I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for checking it out!

My retro gaming show, The Backlog with Joe Walker

Posts: 7
Post Re: The Backlog with Joe Walker
on: August 5, 2013, 06:17

Here's my latest review, Mendel Palace for the NES. It quickly became one of my favorite NES games, which is pretty high praise!

My retro gaming show, The Backlog with Joe Walker

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