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Author Topic: XxKomebackKidxXs Youtube Channel
Posts: 6
Post XxKomebackKidxXs Youtube Channel
on: July 21, 2013, 18:06

Hey everybody I'm XxKomebackKidxX from youtube. I've been a gamer since 5 when I first played The Legend of Zelda on NES. Ever since then I was hooked and not having any siblings, video games quickly became my first form of entertainment and my friends. I never knowingly collected I just bought what I liked and kept a lot of stuff I've had since I was little. In 2008, I came across gaming videos on youtube and realized there was, at the time, a very small emerging community of fellow gamers and collectors. I quickly took this opportunity to showcase my gaming thoughts, collections, and reviews to the internet world. 6 years later I've learned a lot from the gaming community and I'm still going strong.

Check out my channel and subscribe if you like. Here are some of my videos:

Posts: 198
Post Re: XxKomebackKidxXs Youtube Channel
on: July 26, 2013, 00:04

I love your channel! Thanks for heads up.

Mogul by day, gamer by night. Moscow/Russia gang.

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