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Author Topic: SMS PAL games
Posts: 64
Post SMS PAL games
on: August 9, 2013, 02:41

Hey everyone, just wondering if PAL versions of Master System games work on the US Master System. Receiving my 1st SMS next week and wasnt sure exactly. Thought it'd be good to know before I started hunting for some games. Those SMS games can be tricky to find sometimes..
Thanks, -Kyle

"work is for people who can't play videogames" --Billy Mitchell
'GameTime' hosted by Kyle-- http://www.youtube.com/user/GAMETIMEwithKyle

Posts: 11
Post Re: SMS PAL games
on: November 27, 2013, 00:21

The Master System is region free so you can play PAL games on a NTSC system but there is one game that don't work. Back to the Future III Just locks up when trying to run the game. As far as I know this is the only PAL title that don't work on a NTSC system. The Jungle Book and Prince Of Persia have some occasional slight graphical glitches but nothing that would stop you from playing them.

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