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Author Topic: Hi! My new channel BenevolentDick NES reviews.
Posts: 5
Post Hi! My new channel BenevolentDick NES reviews.
on: September 27, 2013, 21:57

Hi guys! I just very recently started reviewing and I hope to have more gaming related content soon. It's something i've always wanted to do so I finally got the nerve(and time) to jump in. I'm still figuring it all out but should have a basic production process down after a few more vids, till then I try to make each video better than the last. (my first two were rough as i never did my own voice over before etc.) anyway, I'd appreciate any views and hope I can entertain or inform.
I have few new vids already in the works and i hope to show face and maybe retire my cat after this fist run of vids.. maybe at the end of the year? Thanks guys!
Here's a couple links. Again im new at this. I tend to cuss a bit as that's who i am but im working on backing off on that.. its not too bad except for the video where i express my dislike for Mario 3. I think I out cuss Debra Morgan on that one (fair warning)
thanks again.

Gyruss (nes)

Top 10 reasons i dislike SMB3!

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