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Author Topic: (NSFW) Its a Dog and Game, animated reviews
a dog
Posts: 3
Post (NSFW) Its a Dog and Game, animated reviews
on: October 26, 2013, 18:26

Hey folks,

So many great channels in this sub-forum!I would like to introduce you to mine:

I make animated video game reviews. They're a little raunchy, but I have a lot of fun making them.

Let me know what you think. I really value criticism.

Remember, possibly NSFW.

My latest upload is Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge for the Game Boy:

I've done some other stuff too, like my review of Flink for the Sega CD:

A collaboration with "The Lonely Goomba" on Super Mario Land 2 for the Game Boy. This is the segue video:

...and a review of Rocket Knight Adventuresfor the Genesis/Mega Drive.

Thanks for reading/watching. Hope to hear from you!

Posts: 2
Post Re: (NSFW) Its a Dog and Game, animated reviews
on: October 30, 2013, 10:06

Hey ItsaDogandGame!

Great stuff man! I came across your stuff a little while back (might've been through the HB forums, I forget) and instantly liked your content! You have this really unique style through the use of your animation and jokes, and I always find myself thoroughly engrossed in each and every video you've posted. Your content overall is just really high quality and I can't wait to see where your channel goes, cause its fantastic.

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