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Author Topic: Wally the Legend - Game Reviews, Lists and Talks!
Posts: 2
Post Wally the Legend - Game Reviews, Lists and Talks!
on: October 30, 2013, 09:56

Hey everyone,

Seen some fantastic channels in the forum and figured I'd throw my name out there too!

My content includes Reviews, Lists and my "talks" series which I use to discuss any other aspects of gaming that I want to talk about but don't necessarily fit under the scope of my other 2 series. So far my lists have discussed my favorite gaming series and how I want to see them rejuvenated in a new game should we ever get want. The series however is mainly meant for sparking discussion. I just use my opinions to get that conversation started!

Anyway, I'll leave a few of my more recent videos here for you all to take a look at! If you have any feedback for me - criticism or praise - please leave that all here! I really value all of that stuff and its always greatly appreciated!

Here's my most recent talk episode. This time around I talked about the future of Kirby with an added opinion from my good friend Posi.

Here's my most recent full review. This time I took a look back at Snowboard Kids 2 for the N64!

Here's my most recent list: My Top 10 Zelda Music Tracks! Music is another passion of mine and Zelda is my favorite gaming series, so it seemed like a natural combo.

And here's my most recent short review from a series I'm calling "Legendary Shorts". Sometimes you just don't need to say all that much about a game, and thats where this series comes into play.

Well, enough of my ranting. Thanks to any and all that take a look at my content and I hope to hear from you!

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