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Author Topic: What do you guys think about the Xbox One?
Posts: 252
Post What do you guys think about the Xbox One?
on: December 1, 2013, 21:31

I picked up my Xbox One on launch and so far it's a decent system. I don't like the fact it takes forever to load a game initially, and having to wait to download the game to the HD. The graphics seem good, but nothing mind-boggling IMO. I think overall it will do well though, and it all depends on the exclusive games.

Posts: 91
Post Re: What do you guys think about the Xbox One?
on: December 5, 2013, 11:42

It definitely has the better exclusives, but neither system has much to offer at this early stage. Typical launch lineups for both systems, and while there will be some decent games on the horizon, I'm staying away at this point. There's also the added concern that Microsoft might start reverting on some of the earlier terrible policies once everyone's hooked.

Just the same, I'll more than likely pick one up in the not-too-distant future...:D

Posts: 15
Post Re: What do you guys think about the Xbox One?
on: February 1, 2014, 20:14

I like the Xbox One so far apart from the part issues. However i do like Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3.

Posts: 6
Post Re: What do you guys think about the Xbox One?
on: March 10, 2014, 19:11

So far I enjoy mine. Strider and Killer Instinct are my games now. Then Titanfall tomorrow.

Posts: 29
Post Re: What do you guys think about the Xbox One?
on: April 18, 2014, 00:01

I wont lie. I am not too fond of the Xbox One. That's because I haven't found the one game that I can invest a lot of time in. Killer Instinct is fun, but only for a while. Eventually, I get bored. Maybe later on, I'll find the game that will occupy all of my free time. Until then, it's decent.


Posts: 4
Post Re: What do you guys think about the Xbox One?
on: April 21, 2014, 16:06

I think a price drop is incoming. With stores having tested a $50 cheaper price and Amazon "accidentally" listing the system for $399.99 for a few hours, I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft announced a price drop at E3.

That being said, I'd love to get one, but having already invested in a PS4 I'll probably wait for that killer app to come for it. Which will probably be Halo 5 for me.

Going for a complete 64 set! 135/296!

Posts: 91
Post Re: What do you guys think about the Xbox One?
on: May 26, 2014, 11:03

Quote from PGen98 on December 5, 2013, 11:42

Just the same, I'll more than likely pick one up in the not-too-distant future...:D

Seems I wasn't too far off :D.

Picked one up a couple of weeks ago and I love it. Managed to pick up a fair few games, too (Battlefield, Dead Rising, Ryse, Forza, Trials Fusion & Wolfenstein). It's a really good system that has a couple of minor issues (installing games, install times, constantly having to sign in with a password if you don't have the Kinect hooked up, lack of arcade games).

I also love the new controller. Not sure it's better than the 360 controller (my all time #1), but it's a good controller.

I still have some reservations about them reverting on previous policy decisions, but right now, I'm loving it.

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