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Author Topic: ERP software
Posts: 53
Post ERP software
on: May 12, 2020, 18:33

The success of implementation mainly depends on The overall objectives of the organization.

The implementation consultants have to understand the needs of the users,
Understand the prevailing business realities and design the business
Solutions keeping in mind It is the users who will be driving the
Implementation and therefore their all these factors active involvement at
All stages of implementation are vital for the overall success of Implementation.
It is worthwhile to remember that ERP software is an enabling tool, which makes
One does his work better, which naturally needs additional efforts.
During the course of implementing, the standard package may undergo
Changes, which may be a simple one or a major ‘functionality’, change.
Implementing such changes is known as Customization.
The contents of the package are known as modules and the modules are
Further divided into Components.
The roles and responsibilities of the employees have to be clearly identified,
Understood and the employees will have to accept new processes and
Procedures configured in the system laid down in the ERP software.
At the same time, these processes and procedures have to be simple and user friendly.
A well-managed and implemented ERP package can give a 200 percent
Return on investment whereas a poorly implemented one can yield a
Return on investment as low as 25 percent
The decision to implement an ERP should be- based on a business case rationale.
Technology justifications include the need to address any problem (in most cases, this is no longer applicable), integrate the functions of disparate systems, merge acquisitions with new capabilities such as web accessibility into the business environment.
Process improvements address actions that result in personal and IT cost reductions.
Productivity improvements include the need to close the financial cycle and increase the overall production from an enterprise standpoint.
Strategic considerations to implement new strategies not supported by the current software, improve customer service and satisfaction, respond to
competitive responsiveness.
Right Data erp software in Qatar provides you with all required solutions to organized and enhance the financial aspects of your organization through a precise accounting system that enables you to follow all financial transactions and extract all reports periodically. It also allows you to monitor income and expenditure indicators, also estimating the total profits and losses of the correctly.

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