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Author Topic: WTB: N64 Games!
Posts: 2
Post WTB: N64 Games!
on: May 19, 2014, 14:10

Hows it going guys? New to the forum here but I have been on the Nintendo Age forum for over a year and also have been posting on YouTube for over a year! Right now, I am working on finishing my Nintendo 64 set. I have all of the popular games, (Mario's, Zelda's, etc...) but I am looking to pick up a few of the more uncommon games! I will list my main wants below, but I am also missing several sports games and other more common stuff. I do not mind sifting through lists, so feel free to let me know what you've got!

My Main Wants:

Clayfighter Sculptor's Cut
Worms Armageddon
International Super Star Soccer 2000
Super Bowling
Goemon's Great Adventure
Star Craft 64
Castlevania Legacy of Darkness

Thanks everyone!

-Chip, AGGH

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