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Author Topic: Favorite games on the wii?
Posts: 59
Post Re: Favorite games on the wii?
on: January 23, 2013, 14:26

Mine are probably the typical garden variety of Wii games, but they are the best for a reason.

Mario Galaxy 1&2
Super Paper Mario
Mario Kart Wii
No More heroes 1&2
Sonic Colors
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Wario Ware Smooth Moves
Wario Land Shake it
Wii Sports Resort
Metroid Prime 3
Metroid Other M
Mario Party 8&9
Donkey Kong Country Returns
New Super Mario Wii
Punch Out!!

There still are a lot of Wii games I have yet to play...


Posts: 64
Post Re: Favorite games on the wii?
on: April 30, 2013, 16:32

You know, one game I just picked up randomly was the game Fortune Street. --I was feeling in a board game mood--
It has plenty of characters from the Mario universe as well as Dragon Age universe and plays similar to monopoly only with more stocks and acrade goodness... plus what looks like several boards, or stages. It wont be everyones cup of tea, but im finding it fairly enjoyable.

"work is for people who can't play videogames" --Billy Mitchell
'GameTime' hosted by Kyle-- http://www.youtube.com/user/GAMETIMEwithKyle

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