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Author Topic: Tutorial: How To TSOP Xbox console (1.0-1.5)
Posts: 63
Post Tutorial: How To TSOP Xbox console (1.0-1.5)
on: November 2, 2014, 15:29

Hi everyone,
Yet another xbox tutorial for you, this time it's on how to easily TSOP all compatible xbox consoles. Flashing the bios (commonly incorrectly referred to as, TSOP) works the same way as using a modchip, except it's FREE!

I hope you guys like it, I spent a huge amount of time making this and had to buy a bunch of xbox consoles to get all the footage to make this tutorial. So let me know what you think and if you liked the video, why not subscribe! That's free too haha

Any who, here is the tutorial:

Thanks for watching!


Gaming, Electronics and Breaking Stuff!

Posts: 252
Post Re: Tutorial: How To TSOP Xbox console (1.0-1.5)
on: December 8, 2014, 20:54

Wow, this is very cool, nice work!

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