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Author Topic: Retro Reprise: Whats Going on with Modern Gaming-Consoles
Posts: 2
Post Retro Reprise: Whats Going on with Modern Gaming-Consoles
on: January 22, 2015, 20:10

Streamed live on Jan 20, 2015
I'm trying something new and doing live broadcast type stuff. This time I would like to talk about what's going on with modern gaming. In particular consoles and the companies behind them. The problems that they face. This is a view from the outside looking in from a retro gamer. There are just my observations, and concerns.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/fhPszzkVVyk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Adam S.L. Loves all things retro, movies, music,TV, and especially video games. If he had his wish, he would have would still have an arcade in every mall, and gone to San Dimas high school. The best way to show your support is to Subscribe to his Youtube channel.
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