Game Boy Color Retrospective and 5 Must Own Titles


 Nintendo has dominated the handheld market since entering it in 1989, and one of their finest handhelds is a system I don’t think is appreciated enough. The Game Boy Color is a fantastic piece of hardware with a outstanding library of titles. Join me as I take a look at the history of the Game Boy Color and talk about 5 Must Own Titles for the system!

And if you wondering just who I am, I’m Shawn Long. I started doing videos for Nintendo Enthusiast’s YouTube channel in 2014, and myself and another team member helped build that channel from the ground up. You can find tons of great videos from us on there, and future videos as well.  I’m also the Editor-in-Chief for Nintendo Enthusiast’s website, so be sure to check that out by clicking here. I created “RetroGamingTube 85″ because my passion is in retro games, so this gives me an outlet to showcase that for all retro consoles. If you want to follow me on social media, “like” my fan page, or follow me on Twitter:@ShawnLong85. Or, do both!

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