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Game Reviews
Video Game History – System Shock 1994
Subscribe to comicconreviews here: http://www.youtube.com/user/comicconreviews For additional posts by Commicconreviews: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
ReZonance Review – Skyrim
ReZonance Soundtrack Review – Skyrim ReZ Reviews Skyrim. Music in games can be all over the place, but if one word describes Skyrim, it’d be legendary! Skyrim’s the first to go up, so you’ll see where he puts …
Wrestle Reviews: World Championship Wrestling
Wrestle Reviews WCW: World Championship Wrestling Release 1990 Format NES Background WCW was the very first wrestling game to be released under the WCW name. This game was released not that long after the NWA (National Wrestling Alliance) became known …
Video Game History – Duke Nukem 3D
A fascinating look at the history of Duke Nukem 3D. Subscribe to comicconreviews here: http://www.youtube.com/user/comicconreviews For additional posts by Commicconreviews: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Video Game History – Unreal Tournament
A fascinating look at the history of Unreal Tournament for the PC. Subscribe to comicconreviews here: http://www.youtube.com/user/comicconreviews For additional posts by Commicconreviews: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
The Easter Egg Hunter: Halo 3 Secrets – Part 1
Featuring Red Vs Blue, Guess The Easter Egg, Marathon Symbols, Head Of The Ship, Who’s That Man and more. For additional videos by Chipsturs: Click Here Join the new Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum
Nostalgia Nights – Timesplitters 2
Welcome to the 16BitBrothers, and another Nostalgia Nights! It’s game 13 of 15 so who will steal the points as they approach the end of the season? Tonight the guys battle it out on Timesplitters 2 on the GameCube a …
Arcade Impossible – Episode 10, Fast and Furious
This month Gregg gets one of the machines he remembers from his youth. Make sure to call 815-997-1705 and leave a voicemail question for an upcoming Q&A subepisode. Check out the RetroDomination guys at: http://www.retrodomination.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arcadeimpossible Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/arcadeimpossibl Watch …
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