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Game Reviews
10 Great Games That WON’T Be On The Nintendo 64 Classic | MichaelBtheGameGenie
What 10 Games Won’t be on the Nintendo 64 (N64) Classic. Mike lists 10 games that he knows will not be on the N64 Classic. Check me out on: Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/MichaelBtheGameGenie Welcome to my channel. I have been playing and …
Stupidly EXPENSIVE & Rare Nintendo DS Games
Here are the rarest and most expensive Nintendo DS games, complete in their original boxes! Games Shown: Dokapon Journey https://www.pricecharting.com/game/nintendo-ds/dokapon-journey Solatorobo Red the Hunter https://www.pricecharting.com/game/nintendo-ds/solatorobo-red-the-hunter My World My Way https://www.pricecharting.com/game/nintendo-ds/the-my-world-my-way The Dark Spire https://www.pricecharting.com/game/nintendo-ds/the-dark-spire Pokemon SoulSilver Walmart Edition http://goo.gl/3ojbNt …
Flash Carts, Everdrives & Nintendo NES Bootlegs (The Future of Collecting!) – Cygnus Destroyer
Subscribe for great justice! ► http://bit.ly/LJNDefender Retro game collecting just isn’t fun anymore. Local thrift store & flea market finds are becoming few & far between and the prices are raising through the roof on eBay & other online re-sellers. …
Top 10 2D Wrestling Games | MichaelBtheGameGenie
What are the Top 10 2d Wrestling Games? Take a look at my list and feel free to share your own. Check me out on: Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/MichaelBtheGameGenie Welcome to my channel. I have been playing and collecting games since …
Gaming Linguistics – Episode 3: How To Pronounce Ys
Today on Gaming Linguistics, we dive into the sordid history as to why many people say Whys, not Eese. Episode 3 of Gaming Linguistics takes a look at the Ys series and what caused the mis-pronunciation. Shout out to …
Forget VR! MIXED REALITY Gaming is the Future & I HAVE IT!
Microsoft’s HOLOLENS is a $3,000 mixed reality technical marvel…and I got the opportunity to play all the games on it! Games Shown: RoboRaid Fragments Young Conker Actiongram Galaxy Explorer HoloTube For additional posts by MetalJesusRocks: Click Here Join the Gamester81 …
Gameboy Shmups!
Think the Gameboy can’t handle this genre? Think again! For additional posts by Maximpact24: Click Here Join the Gamester81 forums: http://dev2017.gamester81.com/forum Star Wars fan? Then check out our sister site: http://swnut77.co
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