Ghostbusters (SMS) The Greatest Review Ever



With Halloween just around the corner, I’ve decided to break out the old Master System (SMS) and plug in a classing game; Ghostbusters. It’s not the greatest game by any means, but it’s the first console game I’ve ever got, I kind of hold it dear to my heart. Unfortunately my SMS wouldn’t fire up, however I did have the power converter, and an SMS adapter for the Sega Genesis model 1. I never used the thing because I only have a model 2 Sega Genesis. Since I’m a cheap bastard, I did the next best thing; take the microchip out of the power converter, plug in the Ghostbuster cart, and fired up my Genesis. I had no idea how cheap this game was.  There’s a level where you have to climb the stair case to get to Gozer (in the game, the name is Gorza). The ghosts in the staircase appear randomly, sometimes right on you where you’re given absolutely no warning. You just have to stand there and take it like a bitch who’s tied down by a sexual predator. Yeah it’s that fucked up. All the time that I lost as a kid was anger that I’ve bottled inside for years. Plugging in this game brought them all back, and causing me to destroy this game and make a crazy review about it.  Sometimes anger can evoke some creativity. Watch the video to understand what I’m talking about. You’ll be glad you did

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About Maxsterling619

Max $terling is a Rapper/Producer, Indie Film Director, and Video Game Addict. His addiction began in the early 80′s by playing games like “Space Assault (a modified version of “Space Invader”)” on the TRS-80 Color Computer 2 (his first gaming system), and “Pitfall” on the Atari 2600. In 2006, Max discovered Youtube and started his first channel (maxsterling619) posting his student films and movie mash-ups; in 2008, he watched some episodes of the Irate Gamer Show and became inspired to produce his own show “The Ghetto Gamers” with his friends David and Philip. The Ghetto Gamers show gained positive feedback from the youtube gaming community as well as respect from some of youtube’s finest such as Gamester81, Retrogamer3, and Happyconsolegamer (to name a few). Unfortunately The Ghetto Gamers disbanded in 2009 due to creative differences, causing Max start his own gaming channel “Controller Throwers”, a show that got the attention of where he currently posts reviews for new games. Now Max has joined bringing his own unique flair to retrogaming reviewing. Favorite games: Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!, Contra, Goldeneye 007, Resident Evil 2, Marvel VS Capcom 2, Shinobi 3 Favorite Consoles: DREAMCAST, Saturn, Xbox (with XBMC installed), SegaCD, NES