Kimble Justice


Kimble Justice was phenomenally gifted as a child – he was able to solve complex math problems at the drop of a hat and read adult books without a second thought.  His parents bought him a ZX Spectrum in the hopes that his genius would blossom further.  However, this proved to be a mistake when he used it to play computer games instead, rotting his brain forevermore.  Games have been around ever since – squeeing at Sonic in ’91, watching Gamesmaster and not getting Dominik Diamond’s double-entendres, weekly trips to the Arcades to play Street Fighter, crying when Aeris died…all the usual stuff.  And now, Kimble Justice likes to share those experiences, old and new!

Kimble’s video reviews are somewhat odd little things where he reviews pretty much anything he likes, be it an old retro classic or something utterly new and indie – although the channel is perhaps best known for covering games from old European computers such as the Commodore Amiga and ZX Spectrum, as well as having a European perspective on the big 16-bit Mega Drive vs. SNES war.  His videos tend to swing wildly between personal feelings, nitty-gritty reviewing and delving into any other potentially relevant subject – Kimble certainly likes to get sidetracked!  But in the end, it always comes back to the games.  The Kimble Justice channel itself has been going for years, but has only concentrated on gaming reviews for the past year and a half – it used to be simply Kimble rocking out and playing bass, but then he just had to go off and study TV Production at Uni – at which point he started making game review videos because he wanted to practice the skills he was learning.  And the rest is history!

Outside of gaming, Kimble has all kinds of other interests.  Being a bit of a ham, he loves amateur dramatics and regularly stomps the boards with his fellow theatrical comrades.  He also has a bit of a passion for music and film, collecting craploads of vinyl and listening to just about everything – his collection may well be full of some of the most respected records known to man, but given the choice he’d probably just listen to Ke$ha all day.  As a TV Production student, he also loves nothing better than making short films and working on his projects, so that eventually he may become a total unadulterated shiny media scumbag.  And of course, there are the weekly nights out where Kimble likes to collect embarrassing photos of himself.

Favourite Systems:  Commodore Amiga, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, ZX Spectrum, PS2

Favourite Games:  Final Fantasy VII, Syndicate, the Metal Gear Solid series, DOOM, Sensible World of Soccer, Streets of Rage II, Strider, 3D Deathchase, Bayonetta…way, way too many others to mention.

About Kimble Justice

Kimble Justice is an amateur film student, an amateur stage actor, and an amateur games reviewer. If he could sum himself up in two words, he would choose "not professional". More of his reviews can be seen at
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